HDC One X Specs Leaked (Knock off HTC One X)
My love of the HTC One X flagship phone from HTC is very clear, it is awesome and has rekindled my interest in having an …
Top 5 Android Games for May!
Following on from our top 5 free iPhone games for May we have our top list of games for Android devices! While not all of …
Get Ready For Ultra-Fast, Ultra-Affordable Android ICS Tablets: Amlogic Unveils Dual-Core Cortex A9 Tablets in China
Fast and price-competitive Chinese dual-core tablets using top-class chipsets are becoming a reality. Hot on the heels of Fuzhou Rockchip’s multi-core RK3066 models, relative …
Huawei Launches Low Cost Shine Smartphone to take on Xiaomi
If you have been keeping up to date with the the latest Xiaomi news you will have heard that the company have released a low …
Oppo To Release Finder The Worlds Thinnest Smartphone 6.65mm
Oppo are really carving a name for themselves in the smartphone market. Last year saw the release of their first ever Android smartphone device and …
Ainol Launches Super Cheap $150 3G Ice-cream Sandwich Tablets
Ainol first shocked the world late last year with the launch of the Ainol Novo 7 which was a $99 Android tablet which also happened …
3 New 3G Android Tablets From Ainol!
As we mentioned yesterday, Ainol have launched a range topping $199 Android Ice-cream Sandwich tablet complete with high resolution screen and 3G, but the Ainol …
Quad Core Meizu MX Gets Network License Launching Soon
The Meizu ‘Dream’ phone the dual core MX has been on sale for around 5 months now, but what fans have been really looking forward …
Ainol Launching High Res Ainol Novo Flame 3G ICS Tablet
Ainol have a new flagship Android tablet up their sleeve. The new Ainol Novo 7 Flame will feature Android ICS 4.0.3, just as the rest …
Xiaomi Announce Low Cost Android Phone
Xiaomi have just surprised everyone by announcing a new ‘Youth’ version of the popular M1 Android smartphone which get’s almost everything the M1 has but …
Meizu Giving away 10 Million Yuan!!! in app vouchers….
Meizu are really going out of their way to try and create some sort of buzz around the company and try and stay ahead of …
How To Install Blocked Apps On Your Android Tablet
Although your new Android Tablet (or phone/media player) comes with the rather lovely open source Android operating system from Google it may not have come …
How To Install the Android Market and other APK files to your Android Tablet
So you’ve bought yourself one of the many Chinese made Android tablets? And the past few days you’ve been playing with the pre installed apps …
Where to buy the Grefu M97-2 Android Tablet
If you have been keeping up with the development of Chinese made Android tablets you will have no doubt come across the amazing Grefu M97-2 …