Posts in tag


How to Unlock an Android Phone Without a Password

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This hidden Android setting could unlock the full potential of large screens

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I disabled one option and my Android became much faster

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The iPad 2 has been on the market for a while now, and it’s impressive design and specification have had a profound effect on loacal …

  Jack Wong’s latest baby, the quad core Meizu MX, actually seems to be on track for an actual scheduled launch date!

  The GooApple 3G is the BEST iPhone 4 clone hands down! Nothing get’s near it’s amazing 1:1 replica body, and I’m sure Steve Jobs …

  Knock-off and cloned phones are getting as much press as their genuine counterpart these days, and for good reason too. They are quite simply …

  ‘Wow!’ Or do we mean ‘Wo’? Either way the WoPad is wow worthy and wallet friendly, which in tern makes it spouse friendly and …

Meizu may be feeling the heat in the domestic market, while simultaneously getting ready to launch the MX, but their current Android phone, the M9 …

The CutePad from Shenzhen Union Electronics is a deceptive little gadget. First of all it’s not cute! Where is the Hello Kitty or other equally …

The WePad is quite possibly the worst example of tablet naming to date! Even worse than Apple’s iPad, but does the WePad have the iPad licked in certain areas? And should we have used the words ‘lick’ ‘we(e)’ and ‘pad’ in the same excerpt?

The latest and best (in our opinion) iPad clone uses an ARM9 based processor and runs Google’s Android O.S PLUS has all the plugs and ports we wish the real iPad had!

Huawei, the 2nd largest mobile technology company showcases it’s plans for a digital lifestyle.

BYD autos plans to diversify itself again and launch Android powered tablets. The company are really making waves in the auto world with it’s Toyota, …

Did Google’s recent accusation of Motorola get your open-source ‘Spider Sense’ tingling? Or Steve Jobs leaving his post as Apple’s CEO, have you breath a …

The chaps over at have been lucky enough to get their hands on with Lenovo’s latest Honeycomb tablet. Watch the video after the jump.

Or for the less subtle reader “Hanvon’s Tablet will crush the iPad!” Hanvon are a nationally famous brand here in China. They are known for …

Meizu may not be a brand you can out a product too, but take our word for it when we say they make some fantastic …

  A few months ago we heard rumblings that Jack Wong and his Meizu engineers were planing a Meizu tablet. JW even called it the …

I love my iPhone, but I have to say the premium attached to the device is a bit of a financial burden. Even old generation …

  There isn’t a week that goes by in China now without the introduction of another new Android tablet and this SmartPad from Shenzhen based …

My birthday isn’t for a few months, but i’ve already found my gift! I would like a Ramos W7 MID please!

It’s taken a surprisingly long time for Japanese electronics manufacturers to embrace the tablet market, but now that they are here they really are attempting …