Siri Can’t Understand Chinese and its really Annoying!
If you have been keeping up with Apple’s iPhone 4S in China you will already know that one of it’s key new functions, Siri, can’t …
How To Jailbreak iPad 2 using Absinthe!
The iPad 2 Jailbreak has been a long time coming, but it’s finally here and you can make use of the exploit on your iPad …
iPhone 4S and iPad 2 Jailbreak Finally Released!
Great news iPad 2 and iPhone 4S owners! You can now, after long wait, Jailbreak any current iOS device which as an Apple A5 chip!
iPad 3 Retina Display Proof Appears in iTunes and iBooks 2
For those of you who are keeping your fingers crossed for the arrival of an iPad 3 with Retina display, we have some good news …
Untethered iPad 2 Jailbreak Coming Available in Days!
Pod2G has posted the above photo of a successfully Jailbroken iPad 2 running iOS 5.0.1, and a public release is expected soon!
Siri On iPhone 4 and iPod with iPhone 4S Restore?
iPhone hacker/developer AppleGordon is reporting that he has managed to get Siri running on a new iPod 4G, but rather than using Cydia hacks, …
Apple Cancels iPhone 4S Launch in Beijing After More Violence!
More iPhone 4S related violence has broken out today, this time at Apple flagship store in Beijing, forcing Apple to cancel the latest iPhone’s launch …
Super Cute Mini Macbook Air
Just when we thought Macbook Air knock off’s couldn’t get any better, this shanzhai palm sized Mini Macbook Air turns up in all it’s super …
Hundreds of Foxconn Workers Threaten Mass Suicide
Hundreds of Foxconn workers from a Foxconn factory in Wuhan staged a protest over unpaid wages, with hundreds of workers standing on the factory roof …
Lenovo Launches Worlds First Android 4.0 Smart TV
While Apple fans wait with bated breath over the (possible) announcement of an Apple TV, Android fans can start redjoicing as Lenovo has just released …
Another look at that amazing Macbook Air Knock off
2011 was a year flooded in tablets all running Android OS, but the one device which will stick with us from China in 2011 is …
iPhone 5 ‘SJ’ Concepts Appear
Antonio De Rosa from ADR Studio have outdone themselves with these simply stunning iPhone 5 ‘SJ’ concept images!
Pod2g Posts FAQ About iPad 2 and iPhone 4S Jailbreak
iOS developer and hacker, Pod2g, has been clever enough to jailbreak the iPad 2, what’s more his Jailbreak is of the untethered variety, so why …
iPhone 4S Coming to China January 13th Starting at 4988 Yuan
As always China are late to the Apple party with the iPhone 4S now scheduled for an official launch 13th January, which also happens to …