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Augmented reality is really catching on from basic applications that find business close to your location to powerful gaming application that monitor your movements and …

Dual or Triple booting has been popular for computer fans and developers for years. The ability to boot your computer in to either a Window’s, …

While most companies are content with launching 7-10 inch tablet devices, Lenovo has adopted the old mantra ‘Big is Better!’ and have a monster 23 …

Chinese manufacturers seem to have sensed the change of times at Google towers and before the developers of Android decided to keep hold of their …

We all love the Android market for it open nature. The fact the developers can make applications quickly to whatever specifications they desire and upload …

With the iPad 2 on it’s way and a possible iPad 3 available by the end of the year, plenty of people are torn between …

The cold winter Beijing streets aren’t the most appealing place in the world when it comes to riding your bike. Fortunately the ‘Smarter Than Car’ …

The Dell Inspiron Duo is one of the new breed of convertible net books. A device which combines the portability and usability of a mini …

We’ve already covered a bunch of iPad stands ranging from the fancy to the simple. But perhaps just going out and buying a stand stems …

The zPad will be launching soon meaning we’re a step closer to making the alphabet from the first letter of every unimaginatively named tablet computer …

China’s Dawning 6000 super computer is nearing completion and when it is finished, sometime next year, it is likely to rank in the top 500 …

Although not officially aired in China, the BBC’s TopGear car show has a huge following in China. Chinese fans are able to keep up with …

From a distance and if you squint you could be fooled in to thinking that these 18.5 inch screened all in one PC’s were from …

Finally some Microsoft news! Microsoft China currently have 400 programmers and scientist tapping away at computer terminals in Minhang District, Shanghai, in preparation for the …

New student’s who are now receiving their enrollment papers from Peking University, are also receiving a computer game. The game is based on the life …

Possibliy the cheapest Android powered tablet computer on the market!

The ‘Key Press’ lamp is available in Delete, Shift and Control options, meaning you can erase all those bothersome capital letters while turning the volume up and down………

Inan’s Atom powered iMac clone is said to be competing against digital photo frames on price! So expect a $200-$300 iMac clone soon!

Asus’s S30 and Hp’s 5101 netbooks are now avaiable as ‘Do It Yourself’ build your own netbook kits. So grab a screwdriver and get cracking!!