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Groview C26 new projector model hits the Amazon sale with 28% off

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Ivacy VPN wishes Merry Xmas with a 90% off promo deal

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Save up to 90% with the Black Friday deal for Ivacy VPN

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For those of you who love the look of the iPhone 5, but can’t justify the price tag or the locked iOS eco-system then the …

Last year China’s GooPhone managed to beat Apple to the punch with the iPhone 5 and actually announced it’s clone of the new phone before Apple. History is repeating itself once again as the GooPhone i5S clone is already on sale!

The GooPad Mini S is an all new Android powered iPad Mini Clone, but will this knock-off ever see the light of day?

We are currently working on another in-depth Gizchina review, and this time we have something rather special! The GooPhone i5!

The iPad 3 rumors are coming thick and fast this week, with leaked iPad 3 casings, and rumors that Sharp’s IGZO screens will be put …

That now infamous Steve Jobs commemorative Android tablet from China is trying to sweeten the deal with an Ice-cream Sandwich update!

This is the real deal! Chinese dev team CD-Dev Team, have released a free to download Cydia application which will give your iPhone 4 new …

Supposed photos of a leaked iPhone 5 case show it to be much, much bigger than the current iPhone 4!

Well it looks as though Facebook are on their way back to China thanks to a deal signed with China’s Baidu search engine, and now …

Despite being exceptionally huge, Huawei are probably one of those companies you likely have never heard of, and this week this little big giant managed …

If you needed more proof that China’s rich are getting wealthier and wealthier a new contract between Hong Kong based Ta Kung Pao and Europe’s …

Good things come to those who wait and boy has the Android community been waiting for PvZ to hit the format! Those of you who …

Santa arrived in China in Beijing on Saturday night and managed to keep his arrival a secret despite an entourage of dwarfs and a bloke …

China Standard Software have just struck a deal with the National University of Defense Technology to develop an alternate operating system to Microsoft’s Windows. The …

Meizu have signed a deal with Japanese manufacturer Sharp to supply them with 3.5 inch touch screen with a resolution of 960×640. These aren’t your …

The M9 has been a long time coming, but with a network license on the horizon CEO Jack Wong has been hitting up the forums …

Rumors circulating the web about Tencent, the developers of the feverishly popular QQ I.M service, supposed jump in to the mobile phone market have been …

Don’t get your hopes up yet the iPhone 4 isn’t on it’s way to China (legally anyway) anytime soon. China Unicom have just released details …

With 12 suicides and alleged torture to deal with in the media it looks as though Taiwanese electronics giant Foxconn is planning to ditch China … is no longer online! So what does that mean for us in China? Not a great deal really!