Gaming Industry
Microsoft’s Acquisition of Activision Blizzard blocked in the UK
Microsoft‘s acquisition of Activision Blizzard (Act. Blizz.) has been blocked in the UK by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA). This is due to concerns over cloud gaming issues …
Sony PS5 Sales Outpace Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X Combined in 2023
According to recent sales data from VGChartz, the Sony PlayStation 5 (PS5) sales exceed the combined sales of the Nintendo Switch and Xbox Series X …
Sony claims PlayStation Leads Switch and Xbox in Brand Momentum
In a recent business report, Sony made some huge claims that making the rounds on the internet. According to the Japanese console maker, in terms …
UK Regulator to Approve Microsoft’s $68.7 Billion Acquisition
Microsoft has proposed to acquire Activision Blizzard, a video game company, for $68.7 billion. The deal is the largest in the history of the gaming …
PS5 Slim / PS5 Pro could arrive in June during PlayStation Showcase
Rumors keep popping out regarding the launch of new PS5 models. As per these rumors, Sony is gearing up to introduce the PS5 Slim and …