Google Chrome
Google Chrome 115 is now available: discover the new features
Google Chrome, the popular web browser used by millions of people worldwide, is getting a new update. The 115th edition of Chrome is now available …
Setting Chrome as the default browser on Windows has become complicated
Have you ever taken advantage of Google Chrome’s easy-to-use tool that allows you to make it the default browser for your Windows computer without having …
Browser Battle: Chrome continues to lead while others lag behind
Statcounter released a report for May 2023, revealing the latest statistics about browsers. Among all platforms, Chrome ranks first with a global market share of 63.51% …
5 Chrome tab tricks recommended by Google itself: try it now!
Google has recently shared some tips and tricks to help users make the most of its products and services. These tips often focus on the …
Chrome 112: New Design and Features Unveiled
Google has recently released Chrome version 112, which comes with several new features and changes. One of the most significant changes is the end of …
Top 5 internet browsers for January 2022 – Google Chrome is KING
A report released a few hours ago by Statcounter reveals the latest stats about internet browsers for January 2023. Among all internet browsers, Google Chrome …
How to improve Google Chrome CPU and RAM efficiency
When it comes to Internet Browser, it’s impossible to deny the popularity of Google Chrome. The search giant’s browser started as a concept but quickly …
Google Chrome adds some upgrades for Android and iOS
Google has been seriously working on its Chrome browser which seems to be the favourite for many users. Over the past two weeks, the company …
Finally! Real Incognito is Coming to Chrome for Android
Browsing in incognito mode on your smartphone is about to get even better. Chrome developers are working on a very important feature that will finally …
Google Chrome will soon block all suspicious downloads
Google is developing a new feature to enhance the security of its web browser. For a while now, Google Chrome has prioritized safe connections when …
Google finally adds a RAM and energy saver in Chrome
Recently, Google made official announcements about the implementation of a RAM memory saving feature and a power-saving module in its web browser. In fact, Google …
New Handy Google Chrome Shortcuts That You Should Know About!
Google has just unveiled new Google Chrome shortcuts. And they can indeed come in handy in different scenarios. Basically, before these shortcuts, there was no …
Google urgently fixes a critical flaw in Chrome: update now!
A critical security flaw has just been fixed by an urgent update to Google’s web browser. Google has just urgently pushed out a security update …
Google Chrome will drop support for Windows 7 and 8.1 in 2023
Microsoft is pretty aware of certain users’ reluctance to upgrade to newer Windows versions. After Windows XP, we can say that Windows 7 was one …
Not even Google employees trust Chrome’s incognito mode
Users of Google Chrome can hide their browsing history from other users of the same device, but they are not protected from Google itself and …
Google Chrome is the most vulnerable browser by 2022
Browers are very important apps on mobile phones, tablets or laptops. It enables users to have access to vital information over the internet. While there …
Google Chromecast HD To Go On Sale For As Low As $40
An image of a new Google Chromecast has just appeared online. The image looks very similar to the Chromecast we already have on the market. …
3 Free Methods on How to copy text from secured PDF
Through this article, we’ll teach you on how to copy text from a secured PDF and edit it. This is possible thanks to the OCR …
A new critical vulnerability in Google Chrome: update immediately!
A critical vulnerability is available in the Chrome browser – it is not only dangerous, but, as it turned out, has been actively in use …