iOS 4.3.1 Untethered Jailbreak
The cat and mouse game that is iOS hacking is in full swing as news of an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.1 devices will soon …
Relatives Offer Paper iPads and iPhones For QingMing Festival
QingMing is a national holiday in China where families visit their relatives burial places, clean the area and offer gifts. This coming QingMing festival, which …
Turn Your iPod Touch in to an iPhone 4 in March
Yosion, the makers of the original Apple Peel 520 which allowed iPod Touch owners to turn their iPod’s in to phones, has finally released details …
64Gb iPhone 4 $1700 in Hong Kong!
Another 64Gb iPhone 4 has been spotted for sale at an electronics plaza in Hong Kong. Like the previously seen larger capacity iPhone 4’s this …
White iPhone 4 Hands On!
iPhone rumors are hotting up with people trying to guess what Apple will bring out next. Will Apple bring out a new iPhone 5? Will …
Apple’s Q1 Income Reaches $2.6 Billion in China
Apple’s first quarter earning for China have quadrupled! Pretty amazing considering there are only 4 Apple owned and ran stores across the nation!
Turn Your iPod/iPhone in to a Wii Style Game Console
Chinese company Sansonic have just released details of a new iPod/iPhone dock which (seemingly) connects your iDevice to a TV to allow you to play …
How To Easily Save SHSH Blobs
If you ever need to downgrade your iPhone, iPod or iPad you’re going to need access to your SHSH blobs. These little blobs don’t seem …
Pull To Refresh For Mail: iPhone, iPad Cydia Tweak
If you use either the Facebook or Twitter Apps you’ll know just how useful the ‘pull to refresh’ function is. This little hack for your …
iOS 4.2 Coming Today!
It’s finally official! The eagerly awaited iOS update for iPhone 4, iPod 4 and iPad will be available to download through iTunes from 10am (Pacific …
Pocket Qingdao iPhone App
Heading to Qingdao, Shandong any time in the future? Then this is a must have for any iPhone, iPod or iPad owner. The app is …
58inch iPhone Tableconnect: Video Update
Here’s a video of the wonder table we posted pictures of last week. We get to see the connection and the use of a dedicated …
58 inch iPhone 4 Table With Touch Screen
This is not just a mock table that imitates the iPhones look. It is actually a 58 inch table with built in capitative touch screen …
iPhones Give You Piles!
Hemorrhoids more commonly known as Piles is a very uncomfortable condition, one which we would all like to avoid. According to this video posted by …
4880 Yuan iPhone 4 on China Unicom
Today is the day that Unicom and Apple release pricing details of the iPhone 4 for the Chinese market, but have we already learned the …
Gizchina Web App
There are tons of ways you can keep your gadget fetish in check you can follow us on Facebook or Twitter. You could subscribe to …
Fake iPhone 4’s Do Anything For A Little Attention!
There are literally hundreds of fake iPhone 4’s on the market here in China. Varying from not bad, to total garbage. Problem is with so …
Shanda To Bring It’s Games To iPhone and iPad
Shanda have released details that it plans to launch some of it’s titles on to Apple’s iOS devices in the near future. As the the …