macbook air
Asus UX21 VS Macbook Air Photo Gallery
The Asus UX21 is here with it’s flashy ultra thin exterior and it’s amazing value for money pricing, but how does the Asus Macbook …
Asus Launches UX21 and UX31 Zenbook Ultrabooks
Asus has finally released it’s range of absolutely stunning Ultrabooks at a press even in New York. Keep reading for photos and specifications!
Dian Ji Laptep!
My gut reaction was to steer well clear of an electronics company who can’t even invest in a decent electronic dictionary! Unfortunately Dian Ji make …
Tongfang Magnesium Bodied Netbook
Super slim, sleek and light! That’s how we like our ultra portable netbooks to be, and Tongfang’s new Imini S8 seems to fit the bill …
Acer Aspire is Macbook Air Inspired: Leaked
The Acer Aspire is one sexy looking laptop, even if it does owe it’s styling to the Apple Macbook Air’s! More photos and specs after …
Acer Leaks Ultra Thin Macbook Air Inspired Aspire 3951
Acer are are planning to head to head with Apple’s new Macbook Airs with it’s own astonishingly thin super lightweight Acer Aspire 3951.
Classic Black is the new Macbook Air Clone
Forget your knock off Macbook Air’s and Pro’s this stealthy black laptop is looks stunning for being what it is rather than it wishes it …
Dipai Macbook Air Inspired 12 inch Netbook
Yesterday, I went on a little excursion around the local computer and phone ‘cities’. These places are usually a treasure trove of Shanzhai and yesterday …
Fake Steve Jobs Introduces Macbook Air Clone
We were wondering when the next generation of Macbook Air clones would launch, and we didn’t have too wait long.
Exclusive: White Macbook Clone
We’re seen everything from the Apple stable cloned over the past few years. iPods to iPhones, iMac’s to Macbook Air’s and more recently a Macbook Pro clone and a whole slew of iPad knock offs.
This, however marks the first time we’ve seen Apple’s consumer level white plastic Macbook cloned.
14 inch Macbook Air Clone Running Snow Leopard
A 14 inch Macbook Air clone that runs Snow Leopard as soon as you open the box!
Macbook Pro Clone Available Next Month
With the market saturated with knock off Macbook Air’s, Kai Sheng Tech. have decided it’s high time to copy the Macbook Pro!
Ultimate Macbook Air Clone Comes Pre-Installed with Snow Leopard!
The big question has finally been answered thanks to some good old-fashioned hacking! Yes, those Macbook Air clones you’ve seen on Ebay and gadget blogs …
Macbook Air Clone for $230
It was only a matter of time that the giant xerox machine that is the counterfeit market got its hands on Apple’s delicious Air. Keep …