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Meizu News

TOP 9 smartphone brands offering the highest customer satisfaction

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Here Are The TOP 9 Customer Satisfaction Smartphone Brands

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Top 9 smartphone brands that offer the highest customer satisfaction

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Meizu are an amazingly fast paced group! Just this past Friday we were speaking with someone at their offices who confirmed both the next Meizu …

After having a lovely chat with Meizu last Friday we learned that the Meizu M9’s replacement was in the works, the M9II. It seems the …

Meizu may have laid there aging M8 to rest and may also be suffering with supply problems from Japan, but that hasn’t stopped the smart …

Like many companies who rely on components from Japan, the plucky little smart phone makers, Meizu, are suffering due to delays in supply of necessary …

Meizu’s ever vocal CEO Jack Wong officially announced that Meizu would be stopping all updates and development for their older Meizu M8 Windows CE based …

We can’t wait to hear what the ever vocal CEO of Meizu, Jack Wong, has to say about LG’s latest addition to the Optimus range …

The Meizu M9 smart phone is no slouch as it is currently available running Android 2.2, but these images spotted over at a Chinese Meizu …

The Chinese Meizu forums are a buzz today after news of an apparent successful install of Apple’s iOS operating system on the previous generation Meizu …

Meizu’s M9 Android smart-phone comes not only with one of the best custom Android U.Is of any Android phone, but also a rather good custom …

Although it sounds like the name of a terrible top 10 pop song by some ‘hip’ boy band pretending to be from the ‘hood’, the …

The development team known as LBE, the same group of hackers who ported Android to run on the Meizu M8, have reported that they have …

Meizu have just updated the firmware for their very successful Android smart-phone, the M9. The update brings some UI tweaks, the highly sort after Android …

The M9 may be a run away success, but that doesn’t make it perfect. Many M9 owners have been a little disappointed that there flagship …

As Meizu fans have clambered over one another to get a slice of M9 magic, some unlucky soles (like myself) have yet to buy one …

Looks like I’m not the only one who thinks Meizu’s UI is as slick as an icy driveway covered in butter and body oil. The …

If you didn’t think the Meizu M9 was sweet enough you won’t have long to wait to give it a little sugar as Meizu are …

January 1st saw the launch of the most anticipated Chinese smartphone since the Meizu M8! The Meizu M9! The M9 launch had people queueing outside …

Jack Wong must be over the moon that his baby, the absolutely fantastic Meizu M9, is at the top of smart-phone charts! The 2500 Yuan …

Yesterdays extremely successful launch of the Meizu M9 Android smart phone may well be accompanied by an equally frenzyful Meizu tablet launch!

It wasn’t only us who were at their local Meizu store today and got to play with Meizu’s amazing new M9 Android Smartphone, literally thousands …