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POCO F7 Series and Ultra launch date leaks: VFM beasts are coming!

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Chinese iPhone 4 clones are now at their peak. Externally they look stunningly well crafted and replicate the much desired iPhone 4 look down to …

Generally when looking at tablet or ultra-portable netbook/laptop specifications we see names such as Samsung, Intel, Nvidia, Apple and Qualcomm attached to the names of …

This is the Sinor M8, an 8inch tablet from China which has recently splashed down on various Chinese gadget sites.

Real of fake these images are not only much better than the one’s we previously posted, but are also pretty interesting. If this is in …

There have been plenty of great Android based tablet released over the past few month and there are many more in the works ready for …

The poor old Motorola Xoom has been plauged with teeth troubles since it’s launch. From buggy Honeycomb OS to lack of Flash at launch, to …

Google are saying that one of the reasons they are planning to cling on to the Honeycomb source code for the time being is because …

One of the main hardware specifications most of us look at when buying a new tablet or comparing the latest and greatest is the speed …

We all love the Android market for it open nature. The fact the developers can make applications quickly to whatever specifications they desire and upload …

With all the big name companies bringing their own tablets out (Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Apple) it’s been easy to forget about Chinese tablet makers, the …

We’ve already covered the importance of buying an Android Tablet with the Android Market a.k.a the Google Market. Now we’re going to cover the size …

The Flytouch is no stranger to Gizchina. We reported on the plucky 7 inch Android tablet last month with a showdown between it and current …

An iPhone clone that looks a lot like the Phone Gizmodo claim to be the next gen iPhone 4G!!