Posts in tag


The ends to which fakers and hackers will go knows no bounds! The latest iPhone 5 spoof comes from a German Apple fan who claims …

Sony’s much awaited Android tablets the s1 and s2 aren’t much of a secret anymore, but catching one on camera is still an extremely rare …

Update 2: 5 Places you can buy an iPhone 5 clone. Update: White iPhone 5 Clones on sale for $47 iPhone 5 clones, news and …

Update 2: 5 Places you can buy an iPhone 5 clone. Update: White iPhone 5 Clones on sale for $47 We brought news of the …

We all know that HTC and Facbook have worked together on the latest Chacha and Salsa phones for the western market, but for China HTC …

Just follow these super easy steps to Jailbreak your iPad 2 using Commex’s JailbreakMe 3.0

UPDATE: Read part 1 of our GooApple 3G Vs. iPhone 4 Showdown here. If you have been reading Gizchina for some time, you may well …

What costs roughly $200, has an cortex A9 CPU running at 1GHZ, 512mb RAM, 4GB of nand flash memory and a multi-touch 8 inch tablet? …

We’ve all heard and used the the expression, “I’d give my right arm for that!” or something similar, but none of us have every really …

Just recently I have swapped back to an iPhone 4 after living with a buggy Meizu M9 since January, and although the iPhone 4 is …

Chinese iPhone 4 clones are now at their peak. Externally they look stunningly well crafted and replicate the much desired iPhone 4 look down to …

Ok before you think Iā€™ve gone completely bonkers, I personally believe this video to be as genuine as the existence of the ā€˜Mongolian Death Wormā€™, …

Rockchip, one of the largest makers of ARM based chips for Android tablets and phones, have been showing off video calling on Android tablets through …

It looks like HongKong residents only have a matter of days to wait until the iPad 2 launches there.

Of all the Android Honeycomb tablets out at the moment or currently on the way this, the Asus Eee Pad transforming tablet not only looks …

If you are the owner of any tablet, Android or iOS, you must have come across the same problems as we have. For example reading …

The iPad 2’s design may have leaked out months before the actual tablet launched, but Apple did a damn fine job of keeping those Smartcovers …

An extremely talented video maker in China has made this excellent parody of what the world will be like in 30 years once the iPhone …

Adobe’s PS Express app (Photoshop) is to be fair a little lame! It only allows users to crop, rotate and change certain levels to users …

China Telecom have joined the ranks of Internet and media streamingĀ  providers along with Chinese computer maker Lenovo. The new company which was established on …