WhatsApp: A company has created a malware to spy on messages
WhatsApp is an end-to-end encrypted application, which technically provides the guarantee of message security. This is one of the assets put forward by Facebook, but …
WhatsApp latest Dark Mode beta changes are here
WhatsApp is one of the few apps which frequently rolls out beta updates for both its Android and iOS platforms. The latest WhatsApp beta which …
The dark theme of WhatsApp beta is almost complete
WhatsApp is working on the development of the dark theme for the application for a while now. But only recently seems to have really focused …
WhatsApp tests the self-destruction of messages
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. As such, it is always interesting to see what’s new in the app. …
WhatsApp is Ending Support for Older Smartphones Running iOS 8 and Android Gingerbread
WhatsApp is one of the most popular text messaging application for mobile devices irrespective of the software platform. Earlier today, the Facebook-owned company announced that …
Facebook is already preparing to merge Instagram Direct with Messenger
Instagram users will soon be able to chat with those of Facebook Messenger. It has been several months since the announcement of the merger of …
Google Assistant can now read your Whatsapp, Telegram or Slack messages
For a long time, Google Assistant has been able to read your new messages received on Google Apps. Such as Android Messages and Google Hangouts …
WhatsApp will work on the desktop even with the smartphone turned off
In 2015, WhatsApp has introduced a web version with the same functions offered by the mobile app. It was a great turning point, highly appreciated …
Pavel Durov of Telegram has no doubts: WhatsApp will never be secure
Pavel Durov has published a long message to his users to reflect on recent events involving WhatsApp. If you missed something, we remind you that …
Update WhatsApp immediately to avoid installing a dangerous spyware
WhatsApp has recently corrected a serious vulnerability that allowed any attacker to install a spyware on the victim’s smartphone (Android and iOS) without his knowledge. …
WhatsApp Beta is updated and adds another piece of Dark Mode
The dark mode has not yet arrived, but the beta version 2.19.133 of WhatsApp takes another small step forward in this direction, confirming the work …
WhatsApp now allows you control who can add you to groups
Groups are one of the best features of WhatsApp but they can also become a nightmare if they add you to groups without any control. Today, …
WhatsApp is testing Dark Mode in latest beta for Android
One of the world’s most popular messaging apps in the world, WhatsApp, is finally testing a feature that was long present in its competitors such …
Facebook Loses Top Executives and prepares for a unified platform
The CEO of Facebook has announced that two important executives have left the giant of social networks: it is Chris Cox and Chris Daniels. Chris …
Germany prohibits Facebook from combining Instagram and WhatsApp user data
As everyone has long suspected, WhatsApp and Instragram, after the acquisition by Facebook, are no longer two separate entities and in fact the company combines …
Mark Zuckerberg talks again about the unified messaging system, which will not arrive before 2020
During a meeting with investors, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, came back to talk about the project that wants to create an interconnected messaging system …
The EU is concerned by the merger plans of WhatsApp, Instagram and Facebook Messenger
Let’s go back to Facebook and its project to allow inter-communication between WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger, unveiled last week by The New York Times. The …
Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram messaging services to be unified in the coming months
Facebook was once the behemoth of social media with a record number of users across the globe. However, after a number of big scandals and …
WhatsApp is the most popular app of the Facebook family in 2018
App Annie has released its report “The State of Mobile 2019” from which, in addition to other interesting informations, it emerges that WhatsApp is the …
WhatsApp prepares to receive fingerprint authentication
After the short break for the Christmas holidays, the WhatsApp team has returned to work to introduce an important innovation for the Beta version of …