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China Telecom

If I heard that Qingdao was getting a 60% coverage of free Wi-fi across the city I would be over the moon! Instead I’m sat …

According to a report on Chinese website, Apple and China Telecom have to an agreement to bring not 1 but 2 new iPhones to …

What happens when two of the worlds largest cell phone providers happen to be located in each others ‘patch’ and both happen to have the …

China Telecom have joined the ranks of Internet and media streaming  providers along with Chinese computer maker Lenovo. The new company which was established on …

11 million more 3G subscribers joined the 3G pack in January bringing the total number of 3G subscriptions in China to a staggering 50+ million! …

According to industry sources China Telecom, the third largest mobile phone provider in China, will launch a CDMA version of the iPhone 4 as early …

China’s 3G network has proved to be so popular that now there are a regisitered 38.64 million 3G subscribers! That figure seems even more outstanding …

RIM and China Telecom are strengthening their partnership with the recent launch of the Blackberry 9630 Tour 3G smartphone. The 9630 priced at 5680 Yuan …

RIM are planning to strengthen its cooperation with Chinese telecom operators and app suppliers to keep up with market trends in China. Rim plan to …

Samsung were certainly late entering the Android race, but they are certainly making up for that late start now. The flagship Galaxy S is already …